“Su sueño es ser como un Canelo o Oscar de la Hoya”,
-las palabras de un padre orgulloso.

La historia comenzo hace 12 años cuando la familia Bravo decidio abrir sus puertas a los jovenes interesados en el boxeo y con problemas en casa.
“Era una manera de ayudarlos, guillarlos y que siguieran un buen camino. Ahora tengo estudiantes que se han convertido en policias y detectives,” dijo Juan José Bravo, padre y gerente de David Bravo Jr.
La familia Bravo tiene mucha fe en que su hijo David Bravo llegara a ser un campeon del mundo algun dia. David viene de padres inmigrantes que llegaron a este pais con los bolsillos vacios pero el corazon lleno de sueños.
A los seis años nacio el amor hacia el boxeo de David.
Desde entonces David demostro su interes por un deporte extremadamente dificil y peligroso pero muy popular en Mexico y Estado Unidos. Desde que acompañaba a su padre a los torneos de box se miro el talento de David en un ring.
A esa edad ya regresaba a casa con los trofeos mas grandes y cinturones de victoria.
Desde sus inicios pintaba para ser un gran boxeador, siempre con reconocimiento en los torneos como el mejor.

“De chiquito siempre dije que algun dia llegare a ser un campeon mundial” dijo David, quien sueña llegar a ser una estrella grande en el mundo del Boxeo. Con zero derrotas hasta el dia de hoy, el joven de 18 años va en camino a llegar lejos.

En el 2018 se le abrieron mas puertas al firmar su primer contrato con un promotor muy bien reconozido, George Foreman.

“Hay mas probalidad de llegar a ser campeon cuando tienes un promotor,” explico su padre.

David llego con mucha seguridad y determinacion, “Yo llevo fe,” le dijo a su padre en camino a el casting. Una fe que lo llevo a lorgrar uno de solo tres contratos que se ofrecieron en donde mas de 40 jovenes que se presentaron al casting.

“Siempre mire a mi papa y mi hermano boxear y me gustaba. Pelie una vez y me gusto. De ahi seguia peleando y seguia ganando” dijo David. “Me gusta esuchar a las personas que me apoyan y me gritan cuando estoy peleando”

David a demostrado que quiere ser un campeon derrotando a sus oponentes en los primeros 40 segundos.
El joven biene de padres inmigrantes y espera algun dia poder ayudarle a sus padres como lo han hecho con el y su sueño.
“En este pais es muy dificil salir adelante, no esta facil, pero David desde chiquito a sido comprensivo – es el unico hijo con su madurez. Siempre a dicho que el va llegar a ser campeon, siempre le eh dicho que no pierda la humildad, el amor, el cariño, el perdon” dijo su padre.

En las proximas semanas David estara regresando al ring y esperan contar con el apoyo del publico. Su objetivo es llegar a ganar 15 peleas por lo minimo para poder llegar a ser el proixo “Golden Boy”.

18-year-old boxer fighting for a dream, 3-0 record after signing with George Foreman’s company

“We need a local champion to achieve the respect we deserve here”
“His dream is to be the next Canelo or Oscar de la Hoya”,
-the words of a father proud of his son’s achievements

The story began 12 years ago when the Bravo family decided to open their doors to young people interested in boxing who had problems at home.
“It was a way to help, guide them and for them to follow a good path.
Now I have students who have become police officers and detectives,” said Juan José Bravo , father and manager of David Bravo Jr.
The Bravo family has a lot of faith their son David will become a world champ one day.
David comes from immigrant parents who arrived to this country with empty pockets but a heart full of dreams.
At age six, David’s love for boxing was born.
Since then, David showed his interest in an extremely difficult and dangerous sport but very popular in Mexico and the United States. Since he accompanied his father to the boxing tournaments David’s talent was seen immediately in the ring.
At that age he returned home with the biggest trophies and victory belts.
From the beginning he painted himself to be a great fighter, always being recognized as the best during tournaments.

“As a kid, I always said that one day I will become a world champ,” said David, who dreams of being a big star in the world of Boxing. With zero defeats to this day, the 18-year-old is off to a great start.

In 2018, more doors were opened for him after signing his first contract with a well-recognized promoter, George Foreman.

“It is more likely for a boxer to get further and grow more when you have a promoter,” explained his father.

David arrived at the castings with great confidence and determination, “I have faith,” he told his father on the way there. Faith that helped him achieve one of only three contracts that were offered to a room of more than 40 young people present.

“I always looked at my dad and my brother boxing and I liked it. I fought once and I liked it. From there I kept fighting and I kept winning, ”said David. “I like listening to the people who support me and shout at me when I’m fighting”

David has proved his skills by defeating his opponents in the first 40 seconds of a fight.

The young boxer hopes to one day be able to help his parents financially as they have done with him and his dream.
“In this country, it is very difficult to get ahead, it is not easy, but David from a young age was very understanding – he is the only son of eleven with his level of maturity. He has always said that he will become a champion, I have always told him not to lose humility, love and affection,” said his father.

In the next few weeks, David will be returning to the ring and hopes to have the support of the public. His goal is to win at least 15 fights undefeated to be able to become the next “Golden Boy”.

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